Welcome to our new journal series: Sense Fully, Live Slowly
These four words, our tagline, wrap up our purpose here at AVILLA ~ inspiring connected, slow, intentional living; using our senses as an anchor to the present moment, ensuring we take time to enjoy the little things that make life beautiful just as much as we honor the big ones.
We are so excited to embark on this journey with you of exploring and sharing ways to live life fully and with purpose. Our offerings at AVILLA serve as tangible reminders to do just that. We are here to embrace the art of the everyday.

Sense Fully
Our senses are the easiest, most accessible way to tune into the present moment. Listening to the birds, the movement of the city, the laughter of a friend; tasting the beauty of a home-cooked meal, feeling the texture of a natural fabric ~ we are surrounded by endless moments of beauty that can bring us out of our hurry, worry, or distraction from the art and poetry that is all around you.
Our offerings focus on natural materials, textures and simple beauty. Each object from AVILLA is a physical reminder of the beauty of the handmade, the imperfect.
We value objects that tell stories through aging and wear. We value simple, yet interesting design that focuses on the materials, textures and feelings, rather than complexities.
All that we make and curate at AVILLA is inspired by living in connection with the Earth, ourselves, and each other.

Live Slowly
In our fast-paced modern world, we find it more important than ever to create moments of slowness in our day-to-day lives. Whether that means removing social media from your phone and opting instead to catch up with a friend in-person, walking to the grocery instead of hopping in your car, taking a moment to read or write morning pages with your coffee or tea when you wake up rather than jumping straight into work; there is so much benefit to being more intentional with how we spend our time in a world that prioritizes the hustle. It doesn't need to be a huge life shift (though that would be great). Small, incremental decisions to slow down can create space in your day-to-day that will leave you feeling refreshed instead of stressed, and allow you connect to the beauty of the everyday.
Our curated found goods are sourced with slow-living in mind, like incense to burn in the mornings while you journal or a handwoven basket to bring with you to the farmer's market each week.
Discover our handmade and vintage found goods that prioritize natural materials and promote intentional living.

Join Us
in living more fully, more slowly, and more poetically. Here are a few suggestions to begin:
- write down 3 things your are grateful for each day
- take a bath
- cook a meal from scratch
- go to a museum alone or with a friend
- go for a walk
- look up at the moon
- journal about something that's been on your mind
- plant something
- visit your local farmer's market
- write a poem
- read a poem
- have a glass of wine or a warm cup of tea
- bake bread
- make pasta from scratch
- light a candle
- do 5 minutes of organic movement or stretching
- take a few deep breaths
Thanks for being here. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to continue the conversation on simple, poetic living. Please share AVILLA with a friend or two who you think might like to join our community, as well.
Michelle and the AVILLA team