A New Year Ritual: Reflecting on the Past

We love the clean slate and excitement a new year brings, but our new favorite ritual for the first week of the year is reflecting on the past one. We tend to get caught up in resolutions, goals, and all of the tasks ahead, leaving little to no time for reflection on the beauty of what transpired. Taking the time to look back at the good, the challenges, and all of the little moments in between leaves us feeling present, grateful, and excited for what's to come but more importantly helps us see what we learned, what we want to do less of, and what we want to do more of going forward. So this year, we encourage you to pull out your journal and read through your entries, go through your photos from the past year, and take the time to reflect on the year you had. We think you'll be glad you did!

What are your favorite New Year's rituals? Tell us in the comments below!


the AVILLA team

We love the clean slate and excitement a new year brings, but our new favorite ritual for the first week of the year is reflecting on the past one.

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